Here is an interesting, gnarled old tree.
The tree was in bloom.
Here’s another shot of it.
Mary thought these trees looked interesting.
Here’s a cicada shell I found in the backyard over the weekend while attempting to remove wild black raspberry vines. It was very hard to get the camera to focus on the cicada, rather than the wall in the background. I finally had to put my hand immediately behind it and get the camera to focus on it.
Google Chrome Crashes on Flash-based Weather Map
Well it didn’t take long to wipe the shiny off of the Chrome. When Google said that they had developed new ways to automate user actions in the browser, and that they had tested it on all of the top sites, I actually believed them. I should have seen their caveat that they couldn’t fill out forms as a warning sign.
What do you think a common user action is for people when there are three active tropical storms in the Atlantic? Why, they go to and view an animated map. Doesn’t it strike you as exceedingly strange that Google’s testing didn’t account for something that … normal?
Here’s how to replicate the crash:
- Go to any city in the US on the site.
- Click on the Local Map button
- Animate the map and wait for the crash
The funny thing here is that Google talks about how having a separate process for each tab makes the Chrome browser almost crash-proof. It’s interesting that a simple plug-in can crash the whole thing.
Just Plain Ridiculous: UC System discriminates against Christian applicants
A physics textbook was considered invalid for meeting core requirements solely because each chapter of the book included a single bible verse at the beginning of the chapter. ACSI was told that if the book did not contain these verses, it would be acceptable. A lawsuit was filed, and the case is scheduled for trial later this year.
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Is green tea good for arthritis sufferers?
A new study (I don’t trust studies!) from the University of Michigan Health System (never heard of them before) suggests (boy, that’s a real weasel word) that a compound in green tea (so … not the tea itself, but a small part of it) may (another weasel word) provide therapeutic benefits to people with rheumatoid arthritis (what about other types?. Oh well. I may as well try it.
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Windows Live Writer
Well, Microsoft has finally gone and created a (free) replacement for FrontPage that doesn’t consist of adding a “Publish to Blog” button in a Word toolbar. Windows Live Writer is a lean and mean tool that makes blogging easy without a huge executable. I’ve been able to test it using both MSN Spaces and blogspot. It’s in Beta right now, so give it a shot.
Automatically Edit Commercials in Media Center with VideoReDo
This sounds wonderful! I’ve been using Nero Vision, and was wondering if this is better. When I tried it out, it detected commercials OK, and I loved the tools for rocking back and forth between frames. What stinks is that it limits the trial version not only to 14 days, but also to 30 minutes. That is not enough time to confirm if it gets the audio out of sync with the clip or not.
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Boeing Talking About Bigger 787 Jetliner
The 787 is a real hit with airlines, which is bad news for Airbus and their A350. While producing a hypothetical 787-10, which could carry more passengers than the 787-9, might cannibalize the market for the 777-200ER, it allows airlines to lower their costs by maintaining fewer models in their fleet and to keep fuel costs down since the 787 is lighter and more efficient than the 777 line.
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Official Google Blog: Setting trends
Now this is cool, and a little scary. Google allows you to see your search terms and trends (if you have Personalized Search turned on). While the terms and trends forme do not yet contain enough information to be useful, the graphs showing WHEN I search certainly do!
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